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  • TA的每日心情
    2020-4-29 19:47
  • 签到天数: 56 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2020-6-8 13:34:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    the parting glass

    Of all the money that e'er I had
    送君此去兮 隔山海
    I spent it in good company
    披风戴雨兮 路狰狞
    And all the harm I've ever done
    Alas it was to none but me
    愿风借力兮 抒胸臆

    And all I've done for want of wit
    余生可待兮 心如一
    To mem'ry now I can't recall
    遣去别愁兮 青天浩
    So fill to me the parting glass
    一曲骊歌兮 动风色
    Good night and joy be to you all
    彤云万里兮 注杯酒

    So fill to me the parting glass
    情若满怀兮 心如瑟
    And drink a health whate’er befall,
    死生契阔兮 交莫逆
    And gently rise and softly call
    万语千言兮 注杯酒
    Good night and joy be to you all
    酒暖离殇兮 祝君好

    Of all the comrades that e'er I had
    对酒当歌兮 知己多
    They're sorry for my going away
    行囊倾尽兮 何可畏
    And all the sweethearts that e'er I had
    皎皎明月兮 无挂碍
    They'd wish me one more day to stay
    送君此别兮 不盼归

    But since it fell unto my lot
    前路多艰兮 风雨刀
    That I should rise and you should not
    为君佩甲兮 心血浇
    I gently rise and softly call
    拳拳赤心兮 注杯酒
    Good night and joy be to you all
    酒暖热肠兮 祝君好

    So fill to me the parting glass
    情若满怀兮 心如瑟
    And drink a health whate’er befall,
    死生契阔兮 交莫逆
    And gently rise and softly call
    万语千言兮 注杯酒
    Good night and joy be to you all
    酒暖离殇兮 祝君好

    But since it fell unto my lot
    前路多艰兮 风雨刀
    That I should rise and you should not
    为君佩甲兮 心血浇
    I gently rise and softly call
    拳拳赤心兮 注杯酒
    Good night and joy be to you all
    酒暖热肠兮 祝君好

    Good night and joy be with you all
    酒暖热肠兮 祝君好

    注:《the parting glass》或者《parting glass》可以翻译成《离别酒》,是一首爱尔兰或者苏格兰的民歌,有很多的翻唱版本,之前一直想填成中文的,但仍不尽如人意,很多地方还是不合曲,能力有限。就不标成填词了。也算是给疫情期间的逆行者们和那些离开了的人,写了一点东西。

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